Debt Collection Stage 2


394 Kitchen Ln

West Midlands
[jet_engine_data dynamic_field_source="meta" dynamic_field_post_meta="post_code" hide_if_empty=true dynamic_field_filter="" object_context="current_post_author"]
United Kingdom

To: . ; 

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Your Reference:  
Our Reference:

Dear [Person who wrote to you]

Thank you for your recent contact dated [Date in Full], the contents of which I note, but do not accept. 

I write to you in reference to my previous letter, dated [DATE]. You were requested to send certain documentation so as to validate and verify your claims against me. To date, you have failed to adequately respond or have ignored the contents of that letter. This has resulted in the assumption that you do not have any valid claim and that there is no debt lawfully owed by me to your company. 

I wish however to offer you another opportunity to substantiate your claims by forwarding the following documentation: 

  1. The original instrument of indebtedness, or proof that said instrument still exists. 
  1. Either of the following; 
  1. If this is a demand for payment under the Bill of Exchange Act 1882, copies of any bi-lateral or tri-lateral contracts which create obligations on each party to perform, including any delegated Instrument of Novation, signed and sealed in a tripartite contract and a signed invoice in accordance with said act OR 
  1. If this is an assignment of a legal thing in action under the Law of Property Act 1925, a Deed of Assignment (not a notice of assignment). This should be executed as a Deed, granted by the grantor or original creditor and endorsed by instrumentary witnesses in solemn form. 

In addition, as you have so far failed to substantiate your alleged claim I now also request the following information, to satisfy myself as to the legitimacy of your company: 

  1. Your registration details with The Financial Conduct Authority 
  1. Your registration details with The Information Commissioners Office 
  1. Your Consumer Credit Licence number 
  1. Your Public Liability Insurance details 
  1. Your registration details with any other regulatory bodies. 

As previously stated, I am willing to accept redacted copies of any documents that may contain sensitive commercial data or personal details of other clients providing that evidence relating to myself is apparent 

Should you not be in possession of any of the aforementioned documents, you will be deemed to be party to a fraudulent act and I reserve the right to seek full recourse through the courts of law. Be aware that any default registered prior to this matter being resolved will be disputed. 

I will give you a further fourteen (14) days to respond 

Please be reminded ignoring this notice will have legal consequences.  

Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour. 

Yours Sincerely 

For and on behalf of the Principal Legal Embodiment by the title of Baron JOHN DOE  
For and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of DOE
For and on behalf of Baron JOHN of the House of DOE

No assured value. No Liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted.

All Rights Reserved