394 Kitchen Ln
West Midlands
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United Kingdom
To: . ;
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Your Reference:
Our Reference:
Dear Mr Boris Johnson.
We have noted as of this date the 1st day of April 2020 That there has been no legal response to our previous correspondence dated the 25th day of March 2020 and that there is now a formal agreement due the absence of any valid material legal evidence. In the interest of candour we have elected to extend the previous seven days by another seven days. In the interests of clarity we repeat the same here.
Without ill will or vexation.
Dear Mr Boris Johnson.
We would bring your attention to the attached Affidavit which was served upon the 657 MP’s and officers of government on the 28th day of February 2015 which is also a Published and Public Affidavit by way of a public declaration on the 28th Day of March 2015 which is also published here. and we note that Mr Boris Johnson was one of the 657 recipients by email of the same Affidavit on the 28th day of February 2015.
We would note to Mr Boris Johnson that the legal function of an Affidavit is that when the content of an Affidavit has not been legally redressed or proven to be incorrect then the legal function of an Affidavit is a formal and legal process to create legal and indisputable legal agreement to the details and content of the Affidavit which is the legal function of an Affidavit to create this legal and binding agreement.
We would Draw Mr Boris Johnson’s attention again to Exhibit “C” in this Affidavit where it has been confirmed by none less than Chandran Kukathas PHD of the London School of Economics. That a State is a Company and as a Company a State is no different to McDonalds. We would also note to Mr Boris Johnson that this is also Doctrine and can be sighted and referenced by any Law degree student for his theses.
We would also note to Mr Boris Johnson in the same Exhibit “C” That is has been confirmed by the Lord Chief Justice. The Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA in the same year of 2008 that the Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA confirmed that the office of the Judiciary is a sub office of the same State/Company and this is also a Published Fact on the Judiciary website and is therefore a Confirmed and indisputable Fact.
“The 2003 changes and the new responsibilities given to the Lord Chief Justice necessitated a certain amount of re-examination of the relationship between the judiciary and the two stronger branches of the state — the executive and the legislature.”
We would also note to Mr Boris Johnson that and it has been confirmed by the Lord Chief justice that this places every member and officer in the executive office of the company outside of the jurisdictional control of the office of the Judiciary and that all executive officers including Ministerial extensions to the executive office have complete impunity for any criminal offence they choose or wish to commit and this is now becoming widely known among the people of the UK.
We would also bring to Mr Boris Johnson attention to Exhibit “B” in the same formally agreed 657 Affidavits as of 2015 that there was a formal case at a Tribunal recognised by the same Company office where there was a claim made under the Traffic management Act 2004 and that it was found that and correctly by adjudication that Mr David Ward has no liability under the Traffic management Act 2004 for the very simple reason that the circa 63.5 Million people in the UK have never once in 800 years formally agreed to be governed and legally signed the legal “Consent of the governed” and without this Legal consent then none of the Act’s and Statutes or legislations of the company have any valid legality and are by default totally illegal and criminal which constitutes criminal Fraud and we would also note to Mr Boris Jonson that as a result of these legal proceedings at a company recognised Tribunal that there was also a signed and Legal Declaration of NO CONTEST which is legally signed by the company office as a formal agreement to the Facts.
We would further draw Mr Boris Johnson’s attention to Further legal proceedings where this Affidavit and the 657 formal agreements to this same Affidavit has been repeated used as foundation in Fact with 100% Success inclusive of Judges in the company office of the Judiciary of the same company and are also formally Published securitised commercial Liens here.
District Judge HOW-LATEEF-LIEN-001
District Judge HOW-LATEEF-LIEN-002
District Judge HOW-LATEEF-LIEN-003
District Judge HOW-GRAY-LIEN-001
District Judge HOW-FITSGERALD-LIEN-001
HOW-FB-LIEN-0001 Fiona Bruce MP
HOW-FB-LIEN-0002. Fiona Bruce MP
Warrant of arrest.
HOW-LIEN- MRMD-0000001
Parking ticket.
We would note to Mr Boris Johnson that the words Obligation and Liability do not, and cannot exist outside of a formal and Legal agreed contract and this fact has been formally agreed in the fact that Mr David Ward has no Liability under the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the formal and legal signed declaration of NO CONTEST is definitive and absolute legal proof and agreement of this FACT.
We would further note to Mr Boris Johnson that there can be no legal representation unless there has been a formal and legal transfer of power of Attorney has been legally transferred and without this legal and signed transfer of power of attorney any representation would also be illegal and criminal conclusively. It is therefore legally impossible for there to be a legal and legitimate Government and this has been true for 800 years. It is there for a FACT Mr Boris Johnson that there has never once in the 800 years been a legal and legitimate Government to represent the current day circa 67 Million people. In the absence of these circa current day missing and legally signed 67 MILLION legally transferred powers of Attorney. Then No legal representation can be made.
This is all definitive and absolute legal proof of the Fact that a general election by way of a SECRET Ballot has always been illegal and does not constitute any legal transfer of power of authority in any way.
We would also note to Mr Boris Johnson that all Tax in all its forms are criminal fraud. None of the circa 67 million people current day has any legal obligations to pay Tax in any form. More to the point in economics when what we pay tax for also pays Tax then there is no return Path for the Tax cash back into economics and there is Billions in Tax which just gets flushed down some cash black hole because there is no economic return path for the Billions in Tax Cash. Economic austerity is a planned and executed Poverty with now 300,000 or more Homeless in the UK as a direct result of being Taxed beyond economic capabilities to sustain. The economists in your office need to go back to university to get their fees back. This level of stupidity is unconscionable. Unless of course this is wilfully planned and executed and we fail to see how this cannot be otherwise.
It is a Maxim and a Maxim is called a Maxim as they are Maxims in FACTS. He who makes a claim carries the obligation to present the material evidence of the claim. The very existence of a State/Company which as a company is no different to McDonalds and there is a position of Prime Minister or CEO of that company which is no different to McDonalds is the very evidence that there is a claim. The very existence of Mr Boris Jonson email address is indisputable evidence in fact of that claim.
He who makes a claim carries the FORMAL and Legal Obligation to present the foundation in evidence of that claim.
It is therefore a noted obligation for Mr Boris Johnson to present the material evidence to support this claim in one of two forms.
- Mr Boris Johnson carries the formal obligation to present the material evidence that the circa 67 Million people have formally signed and legal transferred the legal power of Attorney where the circa 67 million people can be legally represented by a government. OR.
- Mr Boris Johnson carries the formal obligation to present the material evidence that the circa 67 Million people have formally signed and legal “Consent to be governed” which would be representative of a commercial agreement where there can be contractual legal Obligations or Liabilities under the Act’s and Statute’s and legislations in accordance with the formally agreed and legally signed Agreement to the facts and with the Legal and signed declaration of NO CONTEST to that legal effect.
Failure to present this legally obligated evidence in fact will enter Mr Boris Johnson in to a lasting and legally binding agreement the following effect.
- That there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that the claim that there is a legal and legitimate government is fraudulent in nature which is fraud by misrepresentation and carries a term of incarceration of seven to ten years and the latter where there is multiple instances off and is a chargeable criminal offence AND that there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that MR BORIS JOHNSON has formally and legally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
- That there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that the above formally agreed Fraud by misrepresentation is also formal and criminal malfeasance in the office which carries a term of incarceration of twenty five years (Life) which is also a chargeable criminal offence AND that there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that MR BORIS JOHNSON has formally and legally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
- That there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that the above formally agreed Fraud by misrepresentation and Malfeasance in the office is a demonstrated and wilful intention to cause distress and alarm which is also a demonstrated wilful and belligerent act of terrorism AND that there is a formal and lasting legal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments that MR BORIS JOHNSON has formally and legally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
So let it be said. So let it be written. So let it be done.
Please be reminded ignoring this notice will have legal consequences.
Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour.
Yours Sincerely
For and on behalf of the Principal Legal Embodiment by the title of Baron JOHN DOE
For and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of DOE
For and on behalf of Baron JOHN of the House of DOE
No assured value. No Liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted.
All Rights Reserved