07th day of July 2020
Dear Mr Boris Johnson.
We have noted as of this day the 07th day of July 2020 that there has been no response to our previous correspondence and to that effect there is a formal and binding agreement to the following effect.
- Security by way of lien Number: HOW-BORISJOHNSON-LIEN-001
Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact
- I, Baron David of the House of Ward (being the undersigned), do solemnly swear, declare, and depose:
- That I am competent to state the matters herein and that I do take oath and swear that the matters herein are accurate, correct, honest, and true as contained within this Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact.
- That I am herein stating the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that these truths stand as fact till another can provide the material, physical, and tangible evidence and substance to the contrary.
- That I fully and completely comprehend that before any charges can be brought, it must be first proved, by presenting the material, physical, and tangible evidence and substance to support the facts, that the charges are valid and have substance that can be shown to have a foundation in fact.
- That I have first-hand knowledge of the facts stated herein.
- That all the facts stated herein are accurate, correct, honest, and true, and are admissible as material evidence, and that if I am called upon as a witness, that I will testify to their veracity.
- That the eternal, unchanged principals of truth are as follows:
a) All are equal and are free by natural decent.
b) Truth is factual and not subjective to belief, which is nothing of any material, physical, or tangible substance in fact.
c) An un-rebutted Affidavit stands as the truth and fact.
d) An un-rebutted Affidavit is the documented fact and truth on and for the record.
e) All matters must be expressed to be resolved.
f) He who does not rebut the Affidavit agrees to it by default.
g) He who does anything by another’s hand is culpable for the actions of the other’s hand.
h) A security by way of a lien is, first and foremost, an agreement between the parties, as there is no disagreement between the parties.
I) That he who stands as surety, by providing the security by way of a lien, stands in honour, as that surety is undertaken by agreement, without coercion, duress, or protest, and without the threat of harm, loss, or injury, and, as such, stands in honour for the harm, loss, or injury by their own hand.
- That a security by way of a lien, which is a commercial process (including this Affidavit), is non-judicial and pre-judicial, and:
- That no judge, court, government, or any agencies thereof, or any third parties whatsoever, can abrogate anyone’s Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact, and;
- That only a party affected by an Affidavit can speak and act for himself and is solely responsible for responding with his own Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact, which no one else can do for him, where there is material, physical, and tangible evidence and substance in fact, which definitively is a firm foundation to rebut the rebutted affidavit.
- That these facts, which form the main body of this Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact, are as follows, and that the material, physical, and tangible evidence and substance to support these facts is provided as exhibits and material, physical, and tangible evidence and substance as a foundation of these facts.
- It is now on and for the record as of the 07th day of July 2020 that this is a formal agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant), In the position of Member of Parliament that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament has agreed to stand as a surety for a security by the way of a lien for the restoration for the criminal offences of fraud and malfeasance in the office of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State..
- That there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT the claim made by MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT there is a Government is fraudulent in nature, which is fraud by misrepresentation and carries a term of incarceration of seven (7) to ten (10) Years and the latter where there is multiple instances of AND that there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has formally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
- The there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT the above noted and formally agreed fraud by misrepresentation is also Malfeasance by MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliament and Governments Company/State which carries a term of incarceration of twenty five (25) years which is accumulative AND that there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has formally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
- The there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT the above noted and formally agreed fraud by misrepresentation and Malfeasance by MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliament and Governments Company/State is also a recognised and demonstrated intention to cause distress and alarm which is a wilful and belligerent act of terrorism AND that there is a formal and binding agreement between MR DAVID WARD and MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State THAT MR BORIS JOHNSON in the position of Member of Parliament of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has formally agreed to stand for commercial charges to the same degree.
- These are very serious crimes MR BORIS JOHNSON and under current state legislation there is a cumulative period of incarceration in excess of 32 years’ incarceration. We would not wish to encumber the public purse for the costs of this incarceration as the public purse can ill afford this financial encumbrance. There is however an alternative and recognised process as suitable agreed remedy.
- As there is now an agreement between the parties, as MR BORIS JOHNSON has already agreed to the crime then we elect to charge you under this agreement. As the crime was committed against ourselves then we reserve the right to choose the remedy for these crimes.
- Where there is a crime then there is a requirement for a remedy otherwise the crime goes unresolved. As we now have an obligation to bring this crime to resolution we therefore have giving MR BORIS JOHNSON an opportunity to resolve and MR BORIS JOHNSON has elected to stand as a surety.
- Surety and security by way of an agreed lien.
- For the formally agreed criminal offence of fraud by misrepresentation where the claim being made by MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) that there is a Government is fraudulent in nature which is also wilful and premeditated fraud by misrepresentation. Where this is an agreed chargeable criminal offence then we will elect to formally charge MR BORIS JOHNSON acting in the capacity of Member of Parliament
- For the formally agreed criminal offence of Malfeasance in the office where MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) acting in the capacity of Member of Parliament has agreed to this criminal offence of malfeasance in the office. Where this is an agreed chargeable criminal offence then we elect to formally charge MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) acting in the capacity of Member of Parliament. Five Million Pounds GBP.
- For the formally agreed criminal offence of a wilful intent to cause distress and alarm which is a recognised and demonstrated wilful act of terrorism. Where this is an agreed chargeable criminal offence then we will elect to formally charge MR BORIS JOHNSON acting in the capacity of Member of Parliament. Five Million Pounds GBP.
Total agreed debt as resolution for the above listed criminal offences equals fifteen million pounds GBP £15,000,000.00
- In accordance with the traditions of this land, and as this is a lien, this will be published in all the necessary places.
- Ignorance is no defence for committing criminal acts. Considering the position that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State should have shown more diligence and accountability in the office. It is an agreed fact and due to the severity of the most grievous agreed criminal offences, that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State is no longer a fit and proper person to hold any trusted position in service in the office.
- It can also be considered that since these most grievous agreed criminal offences have been committed in the office of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State which is detrimental to the function and the interests of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State and that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Deputy Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has acted in an ultra vires capacity in the position as Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State and without the legal authority to do so, thus it can be concluded that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State could be held culpable for their actions as not in the best interests of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State and constitutes an enemy of the State.
- Let it be known on and for the record that MR BORIS JOHNSON is no longer a fit and proper person to be in a position of trust.
- Let it be known on and for the record that due to the compartmentalisation and lack of full disclosure by executive officers of HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State may have had no knowledge that his actions were criminal and ultra vires in nature.
- Let it be known on and for the record that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has chosen, of their own free will, to stand as surety for a security by the way of a lien to the amount of fifteen million pounds GBP £15,000,000.00 GBP).
- From the Exhibit (F) in the House of Ward Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact, which is on and for the record, it is noted that the Great British Pound (£) legal tender or fiat currency, whichever term is used, is representative of confidence, faith, and belief, so this surety for a security by way of a lien is equal to fifteen million pounds (£15,000,000.00) GBP of confidence, faith, and belief.
- Let it be known on and for the record that confidence, faith, and belief is nothing of any material, physical, or tangible evidence or substance in fact.
- Let it be known on and for the record that since MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State has agreed to this remedy of their own free will, in full knowledge and understanding, without coercion or deception, and without threat of harm, loss, or injury, that MR BORIS JOHNSON (Claimant) In the position of Member of Parliament for HM Parliaments and Governments Company/State stands in honour, and his dignity is restored by their own hand in the community regarding this matter.
Silence creates a binding agreement.
So let it be said. So let it be written. So let it be done.
Please be reminded ignoring this notice will have legal consequences.
Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour.
Yours Sincerely
For and on behalf of the Principal Legal Embodiment by the title of MRS……………….
For and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of ………
For and on behalf of Baroness……. of the House of ………
No assured value. No Liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted.
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