Notice of Estoppel – Fourth Notice

394 Kitchen Ln

West Midlands
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United Kingdom

To: . ; 

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Your Reference:  
Our Reference:                                        

Private. Without Prejudice 

Your Ref: PCN number: xxxxxxx 
Registration: xxxxxxxx 
Date of alleged breach: 31.12.21 
Amount Demanded under Duress and Protest: £195.00 



Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent. 

Dear Andrew Andrea, 

This Notice is in respect of an alleged contravention of 52m.  Please note the following: 

Under the Doctrine of Notices, I have sent three Notices to Lewisham Parking Services. The first was dated 14th January and the second the 1st February 2022. A FINAL Notice of Default was sent to Lewisham Parking Services on 21st February 2022 – Post Office Ref No WD237635515GB – (signed for).  The first two notices gave Lewisham Parking Services ample opportunity to answer reasonable questions in an honourable and transparent manner.  

ALL three notices have been completely ignored and I am now being hounded with threatening missives. 

A letter from ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham’ dated 23rd February 2022 has now been received at the above address. It looks very much like a standard print computer out – the last paragraph has even been repeated twice.  

-2- I do not know the author of this communication, as the sender failed in his or her duty of care and did not sign the document dated 23.2.22. At the end of the letter there are the initials RS – who is RS and why has RS not signed this letter?  

The company/corporation you are acting on behalf of are potentially engaging in deliberate deception and acts of fraud. Please be aware, company logos/titles do not make claims, they are not living or breathing and cannot speak or write. Men and women can however, so what is the full name of the man or woman making the claim in relation to the alleged penalty charge?  

The action of not signing the document legally means that no living man or woman has taken legal responsibility for the content of the document on behalf of ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’. The very act of not signing the document renders the document ‘void’ under current legislation. 

A breach of contract only applies if there is a contract with two wet ink signatures on a written agreement after a meeting of the minds, when full disclosure has been made between a minimum of two individuals. In this case as an example, one being the wet ink signature of the above-mentioned NAME IN CAPS and one wet ink signature of a man or woman acting as a representative for ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’. It is not possible to have a meeting of the minds with “signage”, because there is no mind to meet. 

This document will be kept on file as physical presentable evidence as it represents the criminal activities of whether they are aware of this transgression or not.  Ignorance of the law is no defence, and all representatives of ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ are now culpable under current legislation because one individual failed to sign the document. This is a fact that must be understood. 

There is no recognisable legal means to respond to a demand for payment without a signed bill, see Bills and Exchange Act 1882. The Bills and Exchange Act of 1882 is based on a pre-existing commercial contract, arrangement, or agreement; no standing commercial contract, arrangement or agreement between NAME IN CAPS and ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ exists. If I were to willingly comply with the demand for payment without a commercially recognised bill, then I will have knowingly given consent and conspired to a commercially fraudulent action. This in turn would make NAME IN CAPS culpable under current regulation for that action. I will not knowingly create that liability or that culpability. 

Profiteering through deception is an act of fraud. See Fraud Act 2006.  Insisting on or demanding payment without a pre-existing commercial arrangement which is based on presentable fact in the form of a commercial agreement is an act of deception. Payment is a commercial activity. 

-3- We now draw your attention to the following: – 

The Companies Act 2006 

“44 Execution of documents. 

  1. Under the law of England and Wales or Northern Ireland a document is executed by a company: 
  1. By the affixing of its common seal or  
  1. By signature in accordance with the following provisions.  
  1.  A document is validly executed by a company if it is signed on behalf of the     company: 

            (a)  By two authorised signatories or  

            (b)  By a director of the company in the presence of a witness who attests the          signature 

  1. The following are ‘authorised signatories’ for the purposes of subsection (2): 
  1. Every director of the company 
  1. In the case of a private company with a secretary or a public company, the secretary (or any joint secretary) of the company. 
  1. A document signed in accordance with subsection (2) and expressed in whatever words; to be executed by the company – has the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company. 

The legal effect of the statute is that documents and deeds must be signed on behalf of the company by a director in the presence of a witness or by two authorised signatories. Without adherence to these provisions no contracts can be considered duly executed by a company and their terms are therefore legally unenforceable, as was clearly implied when the Court of Appeal endorsed the view of Lewison J in the case of Williams v Redcard Ltd. (2011). 

If no evidence to support these claims is forthcoming then the representatives, agents or employees from ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ will be in tacit agreement with me. 

DVLA are currently being investigated by a group of lawyers and a case is being brought forward against DVLA for disclosing personal details of Registered Keepers to companies such as ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ which exist for monetary gain, thus breaching Data Protection Regulations?  

The document sent on behalf of ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ may now be added to the list of investigations as the employees/agents working for or within ‘nsl in partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ may themselves to be aiding and abetting potential criminal activities of DVLA for their own monetary gain.  

  -4- No contract exists between NAME IN CAPS and ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’. If a representative still claims there is, then the burden of proof is on the individual making the claim to provide proof of that claim within fourteen (14) days of the date of this notice. If there is no such contract then there is no obligation to pay any charge imposed by the representatives/agents/employees on behalf of.  

I await a response as to who is personally liable for this document.  

I await proof of a verified contract.  

I await proof of all claims made in the document a representative from ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Service’s sent to the above address.  

Additionally, I would like to bring to your personal attention that it should be known that no CLEAR signage is in place that either gives a reason or CLEARLY indicates why a traveller should not travel down the road known as Dermody Road? If it WAS clear – presumably one would not deliberately incur a fine by travelling through it.  Therefore, I suggest that this is a DELIBERATE money generating scam to collect revenue from unsuspecting motorists. 

I hereby declare: ‘Nsl in partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ or any of its affiliated agents, parent companies, proxies, etc. has no authority to adversely affect the credit rating of NAME IN CAPS and any negative remarks made to any credit reference agency will be removed  

I do not expect to be hearing from ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ again, or any related third party in connection with this matter – unless it contains ALL MATERIAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’s CLAIMS as requested or a written confirmation of withdrawal of proceedings. 

No further correspondence will be entered into regarding this matter, other than to notice all involved parties that we intend to commence our own litigation against these claims if the harassment continues. 

            Please be reminded ignoring this notice will have legal consequences.  

Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour. 

Yours Sincerely 

For and on behalf of the Principal Legal Embodiment by the title of MRS……………….  
For and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of ……… 
For and on behalf of Baroness……. of the House of ………

No assured value. No Liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted.

All Rights Reserved 
N.B. Any correspondence from a PO Box address will be sent Return to Sender  

Please find attached my Fee Schedule: 


MAXIM: a workman is worthy of his hire.  

For any letters/correspondence sent to NAME IN CAPS with coercion demands using threatening fines or any other action shall incur a penalty fee of £250.00 (two hundred and fifty GB pounds) per letter/correspondence.  

Any further response to nonfactual statements/demands shall be charged £250.00 (two hundred and fifty GB pounds) per hour or part thereof. 

All payments will be calculated at the above rates and added to the final settlement should this matter proceed to court, or if ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ fails to supply a valid claim and continues to pursue this matter – in which case a private lien in order to compensate for ‘nsl in Partnership with Lewisham Parking Services’ fraudulent claims against me may be taken. 

The above charges may be invoked by any individual making further unlawful claims/demands.  

Charges are non- negotiable.  

Please be reminded ignoring this notice will have legal consequences.  

Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour. 

Yours Sincerely 

For and on behalf of the Principal Legal Embodiment by the title of Baron JOHN DOE  
For and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of DOE
For and on behalf of Baron JOHN of the House of DOE

No assured value. No Liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted.

All Rights Reserved