What to say when engaging with a Police Officer
If you are visited by an enforcement agent /bailiff accompanied by the police you can say the following and this applies in ANY interaction you may have with an officer.
The main thing to remember is that the officer’s job is to make sure there is no breach of the peace, that they must remain impartial and they are not adjudicators (not allowed to check over any paperwork and say if it is legitimate or not)
- Firstly, all officers present MUST identify themselves to you, if they do not, ask them their names and badge numbers and the station they are located at. Make sure you write down this information or better still record the whole interaction, (which you could use to transcribe and later use as evidence against them if needed) the officers must tell you if they are recording you on their bodycam footage, if they do not you need to ask them to put it on, and get confirmation from the officer of their bodycam footage being on.
- Always make sure the police do not step out of their jurisdiction by speaking to the bailiff, remind them that their duty is simply to make sure they do not step out of their jurisdiction.
- Remind them that it is their job simply to make sure that there is no breach of the peace. It is important to remind the police that the bailiff is a third-party self-employed interloper who has no authority, the matter has already been dealt with by their client’s CEO. They haven’t provided the deed of assignment, or the original contract between the client and our principal legal embodiment. So, if the matter has already been dealt with by their client why are you here? Unless there is a victim who has suffered any harm, loss or injury the police cannot get involved. This is a civil matter which has already been dealt with and is on the public record, (as long as you have a lien published formally on the public record that is)
- Ask the police if it is a civil matter, which we know it is, once they confirm remind them it is a civil matter which they are not allowed to get involved in and to use force in a civil matter is a wilful and belligerent act of terrorism. Ask them if have first-hand knowledge of the alleged debt/incident (which we know they don’t)
- If you find yourself in a situation where the officers are not complying to their own ‘Police Company Policy’ you are within your rights to ask for their Sergeant to come and assist because you have evidence to believe they are interlopers assisting aiding and abetting terrorism and fraud. At this point if the sergeant does turn up you only interact with the sergeant.
- Remind the police and the bailiff and give them up to three warnings (after three warnings this now becomes aggravated trespassing) point to your ‘removal of implied rights of access’ and remind them that you will use force to remove any aggravated trespasser.
Remember you are NOT obligated to answer any questions, they will confirm this if you ask them. YOU ASK THE QUESTIONS, always stay calm and remain in honour as they will try to get you angry.